Producing the Goods2024-02-14Market History2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Ukraine Banks Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Dmitry Shishkin of Standard Bank is positive that there will be a resolution to the political .......... in Ukraine: the two opposing sides, the President and the Parliament, are looking to reach a compromise. stalemate suicide correctness leanings Category: business-advanced 2. They are being pushed in that direction not only by the weariness of the people on the streets, but also by businesses that back .......... the respective sides and which are growing increasingly impatient about the possible negative impact on the Ukrainian economy arising from political uncertainty. down (none) up from Category: business-advanced 3. A walk to Independence Square in Kiev revealed that sporadic groups of young people on the square (very remotely resembling anything politically motivated) are greatly outnumbered by .......... crowds in the huge modern shopping centre occupying two floors underneath the square. bursting bustling bumbling bubbling Category: business-advanced 4. Not surprisingly, international markets have so far showed remarkable .......... in the face of the political developments in Ukraine, very much to the irritation of many local players who were hoping to make a Quick profit on an expected drop in asset prices. resilience resonance resistance reluctance Category: business-advanced 5. The most likely resolution of the political standoff would be a behind-the-.......... agreement between the President and the ruling coalition, leading to an election approved by the Constitutional Court. scenes walls fences lines Category: business-advanced 6. Given the tightness of the .......... credit (the spread gap between 10-year Ukrainian and Russian CDS is just 5 bps wider than it was prior to the President's decree), there is little attraction in directional trades. regnant federal sovereign fiat Category: business-advanced 7. Ukraine has relatively few Eurobonds, and the .......... of them are issued by banks. bulk bunch mass most Category: business-advanced 8. Alfa Bank (Ukraine) is part of the Russian financial and industrial .......... Alfa-Group; this Ukrainian bank cannot only rely on the support of its parent company in Russia, but is a rapidly growing and profitable entity in its own right. conglomeration cartel concern complex Category: business-advanced 9. UkrSibBank is the third-largest bank in Ukraine, with a controlling 51% stake held by BNP Paribas; the remaining 49% belongs to two Ukrainian businessmen, who also hold substantial stakes in the country's metallurgical and chemical industries, the .......... of Ukrainian export. backbone source spine background Category: business-advanced 10. According to its financial plans for 2007, Ukraine will borrow about US$1.2bn externally; this has not been done so far as the political .......... has put these plans on hold. tortuousness transition torture turbulence Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.