Financial Records2024-02-14IFRS Adoption2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 The Risks of Technology Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Technology has given us constant, real-time access to vast amounts of data; it has .......... the capital markets to extraordinary heights (and depths) and made ordinary products, such as phones, cameras, televisions and computers, do extraordinary things. projected propped pulled powered Category: business-advanced 2. Yet, warns Bruce Lynn of The Financial Executives Consulting Group, there is a darker, riskier side to technology: did it contribute to the dotcom ..........? debacle miracle oracle treacle Category: business-advanced 3. And what about its role in the ongoing .......... of the mortgage-backed securities markets now (2007) affecting the US, Germany and France? turnover copout blowup meltdown Category: business-advanced 4. Treasury professionals spend many hours making cash, debt or investing decisions by setting various control limits and using the latest .......... of portfolio management. tenets credos mottos gambits Category: business-advanced 5. It is possible that treasury's ability to perform these tasks in the future is being .......... by the very tool being used to reach those decisions, namely technology. cauterised lionised polarised jeopardised Category: business-advanced 6. Does the use of more technology ' .......... boxes' simply shift risk from one area (market or credit risk) to another (operations) because some systems do not play well with others or because IT resources to fix these issues become available only after a problem is discovered? soap control black file Category: business-advanced 7. Are the tools we use (i.e. technology) really to blame or does the fault lie with the tool's operator because what is being produced does not address the issue .......... hand? in at by to Category: business-advanced 8. The various systems vendors would have you believe that more technology is better; every treasurer is promised that s/he will be able to call up large amounts of data from the company's servers or data warehouses, analyse it, and then distribute reports via email around the world before anyone's .......... becomes cold. nose coffee browser trail Category: business-advanced 9. What appears to be forgotten in the pursuit of technology is the issue of the ' .......... link': not all systems will be up to date all of the time, they speak different 'languages', and they may be missing data and/or contain errors. severed missing external weakest Category: business-advanced 10. In this age of web-based, real-time information, the combination of new systems with old can create unacceptable levels of operating risk, especially for senior managers responsible for certifying that their company has well-established financial controls, that they have examined them and that they .......... care work do should Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.