Business buzzwords Last increment bidding2024-02-14Elements of Organizational Behavior 22024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 The entrepreneurial life cycle 2 Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Opportunity Recognition: This .......... period is quite literally the 'pre-start' analysis; it often occurs over a considerable period of time ranging from one month to ten years. degustation generation digression gestation Category: business-advanced 2. Opportunity Focusing: This is a 'sanity check', a go/no-go stage gate for part-time entrepreneurs because it .......... out shaky ideas and exposes gaping holes. forms fades fleshes fixes Category: business-advanced 3. It is important to include objective, .......... viewpoints because different people can investigate the same opportunity and come to opposite conclusions. outer extraneous outside exterior Category: business-advanced 4. Commitment of Resources: Most entrepreneurs see commitment as incorporating their business or quitting their .......... job. only real day good Category: business-advanced 5. But this stage actually starts with developing the business plan; the process will take between 200 to 300 hours, so sQueezing that amount of time .......... evenings and weekends can make this stage stretch over three to twelve months. out of through over into Category: business-advanced 6. Market Entry: The entrepreneur is committed with a very simple organization, the resources were correctly .......... according to the business plan, and the first sales were made. disbursed relocated reimbursed allocated Category: business-advanced 7. If the business model was profitable, reasonable objectives were met, and the venture is on track for attaining true economic health, then the entrepreneur can chose between a capital .......... for growth or remaining small with self-financing. insertion infusion intrusion insurgence Category: business-advanced 8. Full Launch and Growth: Or the venture could remain small, for the simple fact that not all small ventures can or will become big companies; they are not fast growth potential because there is not enough room in the market for growth or their production and management systems are not .......... forcible scalable feasible saleable Category: business-advanced 9. Maturity and Expansion: Now the venture is a market leader at cruising altitude; this professional management team is implementing the venture's growth strategy through global expansion, acQuisitions, and mergers as cash is plentiful and inefficiencies are completely .......... out. rinsed flushed wrung washed Category: business-advanced 10. Liquidity Event: This .......... stage is focused on capturing the value created in the previous stages through a business exit; typical exits are an initial public offering or being acQuired by a larger publicly traded corporation. seeding cultivating harrowing harvesting Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.