Financial Records2024-02-14IFRS Adoption2024-02-14 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Supply Chain Reengineering Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. A supply chain can be defined as a network of autonomous or semiautonomous business entities .......... responsible for procurement, manufacturing and distribution activities associated with one or more families of related products. communally disparately collectively distinctively Category: business-advanced 2. Different entities in a supply chain operate subject .......... different sets of constraints and objectives. to under over of Category: business-advanced 3. However, these entities are highly interdependent when it comes to improving performance of the supply chain in terms of objectives such as on-time delivery, quality .......... and cost minimization. endurance insurance continuance assurance Category: business-advanced 4. As a result, performance of any entity in a supply chain depends on the performance of others, and their .......... and ability to coordinate activities within the supply chain. goodness goodwill willpower willingness Category: business-advanced 5. A global economy and increase in customer expectations regarding cost and service have influenced manufacturers to .......... to improve processes within their supply chains, often referred to as supply chain reengineering (Swaminathan, 1996). stress strain strike strive Category: business-advanced 6. Supply chain reengineering efforts have the potential to impact performance in a big .......... block way factor rush Category: business-advanced 7. Often they are undertaken with only a .......... view of the future, and it is essential to perform a detailed risk analysis before adopting a new process. phlegmatic preternatural passive probabilistic Category: business-advanced 8. In addition, many times these reengineering efforts are made under politically and emotionally .......... circumstances. distraught charged checkered disturbed Category: business-advanced 9. As a result, decision support tools that can analyze various alternatives can be very useful in .......... quantifying gains and helping the organization make the right decision (Feigin, An, Connors, & Crawford, 1996). impartially patently partially partly Category: business-advanced 10. Benchmarking solutions provide insights into current trends but are not prescriptive; this leaves simulation as the only .......... platform for detailed analysis for alternative solutions. veritable viable valuable versatile Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Author: Kovács Áron Share0