Dotcom Retail Stores2024-02-14Thinking to Export2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Selling to Businesses Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. The amount of purchasing undertaken in the business market easily .......... the total spending by consumers; because the business market is so large it draws the interest of millions of companies that market exclusively to business customers. diminishes belittles shrinks dwarfs Category: business-advanced 2. In certain business markets purchase decisions .......... on the outcome of a bidding process between competitors offering similar products and services. fold lean stand hinge Category: business-advanced 3. In these cases the decision to buy is often .......... down to one concern who has the lowest price. ratcheted sized whittled arrowed Category: business-advanced 4. Consumer and business markets differ in that business markets are more likely to be price than brand-.......... . driven defined limited controlled Category: business-advanced 5. The demand by businesses for products and services is affected by consumer purchases; this is called .......... demand. distal derived distance delayed Category: business-advanced 6. Because so many organizations may have a part in creating consumer purchases, a small .......... in consumer demand can create big changes in business purchasing. slant swing swath skip Category: business-advanced 7. The search for alternatives is a significant difference between consumer and business purchasing; while a consumer will probably not search hard to save two cents a gallon on gas, a company that has a large .......... of cars or trucks certainly will. caravan flotilla fleet corps Category: business-advanced 8. In more advanced purchase situations, members of the Buying Center may evaluate each option using a checklist of features sought by the buyer, and each feature is assigned a .......... that corresponds to its importance to the purchase decision. consideration position weight number Category: business-advanced 9. If the product is .......... received, it may end up moving to a straight re-purchase status, thus eliminating much of the evaluation process on future purchases. well then timely soon Category: business-advanced 10. Business purchase decisions can .......... for an extensive period; unlike consumer markets where impulse purchasing is rampant, the number of people involved in business purchase decisions results in decisions taking weeks, months or years. delve through scrape by drag on seize up Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.