Glenn Millers Disappearance2024-02-14The Legend of Custers Last Stand2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Salem Witch Trials Advanced English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: advanced 1. What began as a simple game of fortune-telling by reading shapes of egg whites dropped in a pan was the beginning of the Salem .......... of witchcraft accusations. harmonic harlequin halyard hysteria Category: advanced 2. One child was frightened by what she thought was the shape of a coffin and began shaking, shouting .......... at the West Indian servant girl who had taught them the game. obscenities opportune organelle obese Category: advanced 3. When the village doctor had no explanation for the girl's .......... behavior, he declared it was the "evil hand of witchcraft." Consequently, the servant girl, Tituba was suspected of being a witch. ectomorph ecliptic erratic erotic Category: advanced 4. As time passed, other girls joined in the strange .......... pointing the finger of blame at three local women: Sarah Osborne, who had a poor record of attending church, Sarah Good who was a beggar and the servant Tituba. distemper diversion disagree distress Category: advanced 5. Eventually, a warrant was issued for the women's arrest. At the same time, more and more people seem to have become afflicted, making .......... against neighbors and even a minister. accusations audiophiles austere audacious Category: advanced 6. Finally, .......... court trials were held. The afflicted girls would writhe and scream. Some reported seeing spectral shapes under the accused control. curette cursed chaotic cuneiform Category: advanced 7. Since 1692, many psychologists and psychiatrists have given numerous possible explanations for the .......... of violence and hysteria that infected this village. paroxysm perspicacious panegyric perverse Category: advanced 8. One theory said to be responsible for the mass hysteria was contributed to a wheat fungus that made the villagers .......... . Still another explanation was that the village may have suffered from a viral sleeping sickness. heterodox hassium hallucinate herpetology Category: advanced 9. Historians have suggested another less .......... explanation when they uncovered an old map. The curious division of the village revealed all the accusations against those living in the more affluent east half of the village were made by those living in the western half. emanate extraneous ellipsis exotic Category: advanced 10. After all the deadly accusations and their results were studied, historians now believe the Salem witch trials began because of a .......... village grudge match between the "haves" and the "have-nots." vindictive vacillate vaccinate vanadium Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.