Islamic Financial Staff2024-02-14Financial Supply Chain Management2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Retaining Minority Control Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. The distinguishing features of .......... stock normally confer an advantage on Class A shares regarding voting power, and it may also involve liquidation and dividend privileges; this system was used more in the 1920s, as a way of retaining minority control. registered preferred classified designated Category: business-advanced 2. Total Assets less Non-interest-bearing Current Liabilities (NIBCLs) equals Invested Capital; .......... Invested Capital (ROIC) equals Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) divided by Invested Capital. Return on Reinvestment of Rate of Restriction on Category: business-advanced 3. The Recording Industry Association of Canada has announced that another 32 individuals have settled copyright .......... suits initiated by the music industry; each of them was charged with illegally downloading over one thousand songs through peer-to- peer networks. detriment impingement infringement encroachment Category: business-advanced 4. With a rise in prevailing interest rates, new bonds generally offer higher yields to keep pace, so pre-existing bonds with lower .......... rates are now less competitive; on the other hand, when interest rates drop, a pre-existing bond's rate becomes more appealing, driving the price higher. voucher coupon payback accrual Category: business-advanced 5. I regularly get hard-sell emails from debt .......... organizations offering me low-interest balance-transfer deals for credit card debt or promising they'll give me lower interest rates, reduce my monthly payments — and all I need to do is make 'a single easy payment'. combination consolidation correlation corporation Category: business-advanced 6. The Federal .......... Bank of New York is one of twelve regional banks; the 'Fed', as this system is often called, is an independent government entity created in 1913 by the US Congress for the purpose of serving as the central bank of the USA. Finance Land Depository Reserve Category: business-advanced 7. His aim is to become the most well-connected .......... in Japan, an insider in a system in which insider status counts for everything, and Collinson, the CEO of Cripplecreek Holdings LLC, has gambled nearly US$3.0 billion of his investors' money that his constant networking will pay off. ninja gajin samurai daimyo Category: business-advanced 8. After the company fixes the record date, the National Association of Securities Dealers or the stock exchanges set the ..........- dividend date, which is normally 2 business days before the record date. re pre ex inter Category: business-advanced 9. At the request of the applicant, a .......... quotation may be provided in writing for a specific private works job and must be accepted in writing prior to the job commencement; Quotations shall be valid for 60 days, after which time an updated quotation will be provided on request. flat fixed full firm Category: business-advanced 10. An investor can own shares of common stock either directly in her name, including shares acquired through demutualization, in which case she is the holder .........., or indirectly through a bank, broker or other nominee. in earnest sensu strictu of record de rigueur Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.