GAAP2024-02-14Auto Leasing2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Quality Control at Ford Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Writing of Ford's quality control problems, Tom Murphy of Ward's Auto World magazine mentions internal data suggesting suppliers were more culpable than the auto maker as recalls and warranty claims seemed to be .......... out of control. rising exploding rolling spinning Category: business-advanced 2. The Firestone tire .......... got the most attention, but in many respects it was merely a symptom of a much broader ailment afflicting the No. 2 auto maker. debacle detachment debut deterrent Category: business-advanced 3. A Ford executive contended that suppliers deserved a trip to the .......... for a number of costly, boneheaded mistakes. dentist woodshed outhouse market Category: business-advanced 4. By last fall, however, the tone had softened; instead of berating parts makers, Ford was openly .......... congratulatory consolatory conciliatory convivial Category: business-advanced 5. Caught up in the industry-wide trend toward .......... Ford may have relied too heavily on suppliers for engineering. oversight outsiders overhead outsourcing Category: business-advanced 6. This demonstrates that OEMs run the risk of becoming .......... to the technical capabilities — or liabilities — of their suppliers if they merely purchase, rather than engineer. subservient subjected subcontracted subordinate Category: business-advanced 7. To .......... the problem, Ford reclaimed some engineering responsibility. register rectify ramify realign Category: business-advanced 8. The .......... effect of the new philosophy will be felt for years to come by many of the 2,000 production suppliers Ford taps for parts every day. ripple special side rapid Category: business-advanced 9. Many suppliers are reserving judgment until the strategy is fully implemented over the next two years, but most are cautiously .......... optimal optical optional optimistic Category: business-advanced 10. It is humbling for the company that pioneered mass production of the automobile to admit nearly 100 years later that it took its eye .......... that it sacrificed engineering prowess in what ironically was an attempt to make itself more efficient. to the grindstone out of the socket for an eye off the ball Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.