Like a red rag2024-02-14At the theatre2024-02-14 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Popular garden idioms Intermediate English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: intermediate 1. Never let the .......... grow under your feet. bulbs weeds grass flowers Category: intermediate 2. The grass is always .......... on the other side. longer blacker greener further Category: intermediate 3. Everything is coming up .......... roses tulips daisies lilies Category: intermediate 4. Poor Mary was a bit of a .......... at the dance. cauliflower wildflower wallflower cornflower Category: intermediate 5. He led her up the garden .......... path street lane road Category: intermediate 6. Everything in the .......... is lovely. roses grass garden flowers Category: intermediate 7. Money doesn't grow on .......... bulbs plants bushes trees Category: intermediate 8. A bird in the hand is worth .......... in the bush. one two four three Category: intermediate 9. Come to the point and stop beating about the .......... tree hedge flower bush Category: intermediate 10. Don't trust him, he's a bit of a snake in the .......... . plants grass flowers weeds Your score is The average score is 60% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Author: Kovács Áron Share0