The White Metal2024-02-14CRTs2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Performance Appraisal Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Archer North notes that the history of performance appraisal is quite brief; its roots in the early 20th century can be traced to Taylor's pioneering Time and .......... studies. Motor Motive Motion Movement Category: business-advanced 2. As a distinct and formal management procedure used in the evaluation of work performance, appraisal really .......... from the time of the Second World War — not more than 60 years ago. emanates originates dates springs Category: business-advanced 3. Yet in a broader sense, the practice of appraisal is a very ancient art; in the scale of things historical, it might well .......... claim to being the world's second oldest profession! give make lay set Category: business-advanced 4. There is, says Dulewicz (1989), "a basic human tendency to make judgements about those one is working with, as well as about oneself" — appraisal, it seems, is both .......... and universal. eternal endemic invincible inevitable Category: business-advanced 5. In the absence of a carefully structured system of appraisal, people will tend to judge the work performance of others, including subordinates, naturally, informally and .......... arbitrarily impeccably aggressively inherently Category: business-advanced 6. The human .......... to judge can create serious motivational, ethical and legal problems in the workplace. condition capacity inception inclination Category: business-advanced 7. Performance appraisal systems began as simple methods of income .......... justification adjudication judgement adjustment Category: business-advanced 8. The process was firmly linked to material outcomes: if an employee's performance was found to be less than ideal, a .......... in pay would follow. dent slice cut shave Category: business-advanced 9. On the other hand, if their performance was better than the supervisor expected, a pay rise was in .......... view due form order Category: business-advanced 10. Pay rates were important, but they were not the only element that had an impact on employee performance; it was found that other issues, such as .......... and self-esteem, could also have a major influence. morals morale esthetics ethics Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.