System security2024-02-14TOEIC-Part 1-082024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Naples Italy Advanced English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: advanced 1. In 599 BC, a maritime expedition led by a man called Protis, arrived in the Bay of Marseille. He appealed to the king for .......... to establish a city. When the king's only daughter, Gyptis choose Protis for her husband, extensive land was given as her dowry.It was on this land that the future city of Marseille was built. vegatation deeds farmers authorization Category: advanced 2. Marseille is located on the south east coast of France on the Mediterranean Sea. It is the oldest city in France. In this area, .......... villages are infused with the scent of lavender, baked bread and outdoor cafés famous foods of the region. potential poignant picturesque unattractive Category: advanced 3. Marseille has worked diligently to escape the former reputation of a dangerous and corrupt city. This .......... has created business and tourist magnets, resulting in billion dollar industries. renaissance attidtude fortitude decline Category: advanced 4. Artisits Cezanne and Van Gogh found their .......... in the view of the local vineyards, sunflower fields, olive groves and lavender fields, often transferring the magical sights to canvas. influence disincentive intrigue inspiration Category: advanced 5. Nearby is the .......... town of Avignon, once famous for being the seat of the Papacy. The Palace of Popes is still a favorite tourist attraction with more than 650,000 visitors per year. The monument is considered the greatest gothic palace in the world. Romanesque ruinous renovated architecture Category: advanced 6. Although the interior of the pontifical court no longer displays evidence of the former great wealth, the magnitude of the fortress stands as an .......... witness to the power of the Popes who once resided there. imperturbable probable temporal impetuous Category: advanced 7. Another .......... attraction is the Mediterranean Alcatraz, dating back to the early 1500's. Both royalty and commoners were incarcerated here; often their only offense was in being a believer in the Protestant doctrine. turbulent confined infamous unrestricted Category: advanced 8. The .......... of the prison was due to being used as the setting by the author, Alexandre Dumas in his novel, "The Count of Monte Cristo." Dumas relates the fictional tale of Edmond Dantes who is the victim of a sinister plot and must serve a life sentence. honor notoriety integrity noxious Category: advanced 9. A humorous tale of .......... is one of the favorite stories told by the local people of a sardine that blocked the port entrance. Actually, a British ship named the "Sartine" was attacked and run aground, blocking the port. A slight distortion in the works makes the tale much more interesting! variables exaggeration intrigue purposes Category: advanced 10. Towering over 505 feet, Nortre Dame de la Garde majestically dominates the port and city of Marseilles. The chapel was orignially built in 1214, but .......... invaders added a fortress wall in 1525, making it a military focus rather than a religious one. Renovations in latter years included covering the statue entirely in gold leaf. preceding submissive subsequent religious Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.