Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2024-02-14The GATT System2024-02-14 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Gray Market Goods Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. The problem of grey market goods has been .......... the judicial system for many years, with judges trying to define trademark and copyright holders' rights. provoking hampering plaguing hamstringing Category: business-advanced 2. In the case of trademarks, the courts have .......... around the guideline that goods intended for outside the United States with the US trademark holder's approval, when imported, will be an infringement only if such 'foreign' products differ significantly from the ones sold in the US. congregated conceded congealed coalesced Category: business-advanced 3. What .......... a 'significant' difference, needless to say, varies among products. condones conveys considers constitutes Category: business-advanced 4. For instance, Coke bottles sold in Panama were found significantly different: the Spanish labels did not list the contents, while the packaging and shipping caused the Panamanian bottles to be .......... to product spoilage and leaking. amenable susceptible suspicious applicable Category: business-advanced 5. The Federal Court of Appeals has added a .......... to this guideline, considering that goods don't substantially vary if the trademark holder has allowed foreign-directed goods into the US in a way that all or materially all of the United States sales are not the American version of the product. rider caveat tandem hiatus Category: business-advanced 6. In another case, Elk Corporation brought their case under 21 USC 1209 .......... the United States International Trade Commission. before into beneath onto Category: business-advanced 7. The Administrative Law Judge of the USITC .......... in favour of Elk, stating that numerous substantial differences clearly existed between the cultivators sold by Elk in the US and their European models, and included differences in the services offered along with the cultivators. stood had sat held Category: business-advanced 8. While the respondents gave evidence showing that Elk had authorized sales of these machines in the United States, the judge placed the .......... of proof upon them to establish that Elk had approved those sales and that the quantity of sales was material. load weight burden mass Category: business-advanced 9. In spite of the fact that the respondents had raised the point as a defense, the judge stated that Elk was reQuired to establish a prima .......... case that materially all of its US sales conformed to the American version of the cultivator. mobile donna facie pares Category: business-advanced 10. That is to say, first Elk needed to establish a United States standard against which the .......... substantial variations of the European model were to be mensurated. irregular alleged ulterior relegated Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Author: Kovács Áron Share0