The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2024-02-14Pushing and Pulling2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Foreign Currency Risk Management Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. With regard to volatility in foreign currencies, corporate finance people are faced today with having to manage risk on a constantly changing playing field which is .......... with challenges. wrought flung wrung fraught Category: business-advanced 2. Within a regulatory environment recently upset by a .......... of financial scandals, the rules of the FX game are now staggeringly complicated, with an increased burden of compliance on financial accounting and reporting departments. spasm space span spate Category: business-advanced 3. This has led to a host of issues regarding operations within most multinational companies, transforming FX risk from what was once considered a departmental concern into a .......... risk to the whole enterprise. summum bonum cui bono bonis avibus bona fide Category: business-advanced 4. This focus on reporting and compliance translates into a shift of resources away from treasury, the traditional .......... for management of corporate risk, and into the controller's office. regime reservoir stalwart steward Category: business-advanced 5. Withdraw those resources and add in the demands on treasurers of a seemingly .......... corporate appetite for growth through mergers and acquisitions, and we can see why employee turnover in treasury is reaching unprecedented rates. inscrutable insensible insatiable insoluble Category: business-advanced 6. .......... as a whole, the stress to which the staff, systems and processes that corporations rely on to protect corporate value from FX volatility are subjected amounts to a perfect storm. Taken Given Settled Measured Category: business-advanced 7. From one viewpoint, currency fluctuation risk is a relatively easy risk to handle: exchange-traded options and forward contracts can lock in exchange rates and protect cash flow and financial statements from the effects of currency .......... . surges swaps slumps swings Category: business-advanced 8. There are fundamental problems with the underlying transaction data used by organizations to calculate and manage FX exposure, and one contributor to these data problems is manual accounting processes which lead to persistent, .......... errors. systemic symptomatic sympathetic systematic Category: business-advanced 9. Frequently, such problems show up in regional offices, where a foreign currency transaction is converted on the .......... and entered into the general ledger in the local currency instead of the transaction currency. bound fly sly ground Category: business-advanced 10. Solving the problem will require more rigorous training to ensure adherence to proper accounting procedures and a clear understanding of the impact of .......... practices. flawed fragile flagrant fragmented Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.