English Slang Idioms 952024-02-14English Slang Idioms 1162024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 English Slang Idioms 101 Intermediate English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: intermediate 1. He hadn't heard from his son in months and it was his fault. When his son had voiced a legitimate concern about passing Basic Training he had told him "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the ..........," Not the most understanding thing to say. booth pool kitchen forest Category: intermediate 2. He knew his dad didn't like his friends since they had been in trouble with the law. His father told him "if you fly with the .......... . you get shot with the (...)," but he just couldn't see how he would get in trouble just by hanging out with them. planes cranes crows herons Category: intermediate 3. He had been arrested as an accomplice to robbery simply because his friends, who he was going to a movie with at the time, had robbed someone earlier that day. He remembered what his grandma used to say about keeping company with the wrong sort: "if you lie down with the dogs, you get up with .......... ." fleas hair drool smell Category: intermediate 4. Let's just assume, for the purpose of this conversation, if you .......... . that Mr. Jones did rob the store, the defense attorney said before starting his argument. will choose want well Category: intermediate 5. He felt .......... at ease every time he saw Mrs. Collins. She had once accused him of attacking her daughter and, even though the attacker had been caught, things had never been the same. rank left ill completely Category: intermediate 6. If you are found guilty of dealing drugs or laundering money, the courts may take all of your assets if they believe that those assets were paid for with ill-gotten .........., the Law professor told her class. gains methods debt trading Category: intermediate 7. Hi, Bro. I need you to loan me one hundred dollars. I am really in a .......... . I don't get paid until next week and I am short on my rent. I had to pay for my transmission to get fixed this week and had to pay the doctor I saw a month ago, Jake said to his brother. fix vacation opportunity job Category: intermediate 8. My front tire popped, and in a .......... . I was off the road in a ditch. Miraculously, I am fine and so is my car, other than the tire, Cat told her boyfriend. flash pinch eternity bind Category: intermediate 9. I am sorry I messed up especially after you just told me what to do. I have been in a .......... all morning it won't happen again, John nervously said to his supervisor when she caught his mistake. clear sky distraction fog intense mood Category: intermediate 10. You are at the hospital with Mom? I will be there in a .......... I am leaving work right now and am very close to the hospital, Derek said to Larissa. cloud week heartbeat fog Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.