Business Buzzwords High Valuation2024-02-14Portfolio Statistics2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Ecosystem Restoration Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Ecosystem restoration has existed as a nascent niche study for at least 70 years, but it didn't really pick up .......... until the practice of environmental mitigation brought serious dollars into the picture. force tracks fire steam Category: business-advanced 2. As ecosystem restoration grew into an industry, the demand for quality standards and .......... research grew. relentless righteous regular rigorous Category: business-advanced 3. During this period, there was a lot of debate over its .......... : is it an art, a science, an industry, or all three — or is restoring ecosystems playing God? underpinning forbearing crossbreeding overhauling Category: business-advanced 4. Should we try to restore a system back to a certain point in time that we deem to be .......... or should we merely try to restore the health of its underlying systems, so it can pursue whatever trajectory is appropriate for current circumstances? comparable capable pristine perilous Category: business-advanced 5. In all of this, there's been much emotion, much soul-.......... much business, much science, much poetry, and much politics. selling taking searching trading Category: business-advanced 6. The English language has over three times as many synonyms for restoration as it does for new development, maintenance, and conservation combined: that should tell us something about how important the renewal portion of the natural lifecycle is to our .......... physique psyche commerce conscience Category: business-advanced 7. An economy that's based primarily on ..........--- in a country with finite borders - --- is a strategy that can only lead to depauperization, degradation, and war. sprout strew stray sprawl Category: business-advanced 8. Nowadays, the growth of ecosystem, watershed, and fishery restoration industries, budgets, and sciences far .......... the growth of their counterparts related to extraction of virgin resources. outstrips outdoes outperforms outshines Category: business-advanced 9. So why are our trade schools and universities still .......... out skills and degrees that don't address the fastest-growing sector of the economy? pumping tapping spilling drawing Category: business-advanced 10. For the first time in human history, we can put .......... numbers to the value of the damage of environmental transgressions; NOAA has pioneered the application of this trend by applying a three-stage fine to those who destroy turtle grass beds in Florida. full strong hard straight Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.