The White Metal2024-02-14CRTs2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Documentation Analysis Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. In many projects that use Cognitive Work Analysis methodologies, one of the first steps is bootstrapping, in which the analysts familiarize themselves with the .......... domain perimeter bailiwick realm Category: business-advanced 2. Bootstrapping typically involves an analysis of documents (manuals, texts, technical reports,etc.), and documentation analysis can be a critically important method, one that should be utilized as a .......... of necessity medium matter mandate mode Category: business-advanced 3. Documentation Analysis can be a time-consuming process, but can sometimes be indispensable in knowledge .......... (Kolodner, 1983). institution election instigation elicitation Category: business-advanced 4. In a study of aerial photo interpreters, interviews about the process of terrain analysis began only after an analysis of the ..........-available basic knowledge of concepts and definitions; to take up the expert's time by asking questions such as 'What is limestone?' would have made no sense. openly evidently actually readily Category: business-advanced 5. Although it is usually considered to be a part of bootstrapping, documentation analysis .......... occurs throughout the entire research programme. inveterately invitingly invaluably invariably Category: business-advanced 6. For example, in a weather forecasting case study (Hoffman, Coffey, & Ford, 2000), the bootstrapping process focused on an analysis of published literatures and technical reports that made reference to the .......... of forecasters. recognizance incognito cognition gnosis Category: business-advanced 7. However, documentation analyses of other types occurred throughout the .......... of the project-analysis of records of weather forecasting case studies, analysis of Standard Operating Procedures documents, analysis of the Local forecasting Handbooks, etc. remains remainder remnants reminder Category: business-advanced 8. Documentation Analysis can be suggestive of the reasoning of practitioners, and hence contribute to the .......... of reasoning models. forging foundering founding foraging Category: business-advanced 9. Documentation Analysis can also be useful in the attempt to construct knowledge models, since the literature may include both useful categories for field knowledge and important specific ' .......... ' of field knowledge. knickknacks tidbits gewgaws ragtag Category: business-advanced 10. And finally, Documentation Analysis can be useful in the identification of leverage points-aspects of the work where even a modest .......... of or improvement in technology might result in a proportionately greater improvement in the work. extrusion intrusion infusion effusion Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.