Global Production Systems2024-02-14Workforce Planning Methodology2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Corporate Social Responsibility Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. As tales of labor abuse in developing countries by multinational companies have .......... the headlines in developed countries, some of these companies have adopted voluntary corporate social responsibility codes. caused forced made set Category: business-advanced 2. These codes are .......... taken by companies over and above their legal obligations to treat the stakeholders of the firm ethically and in a responsible manner. initializations initiatives initiations initials Category: business-advanced 3. This is a move beyond the narrow view of pursuing only short-term profit-maximizing objectives to a broader view of greater social responsibility, but while these codes promote .......... work standards, they do not necessarily mean more jobs. decreased decent drastic deceptive Category: business-advanced 4. Companies are not implementing these new corporate social responsibility standards solely for .......... reasons, but rather there is a burgeoning market for standards in which companies will provide standards if consumer will pay more for this benefit. altricial ulterior altruistic unrealistic Category: business-advanced 5. But the demand curve for standards is kinked, with consumers not willing to pay .......... much more for standards but would cause a huge adverse impact if a company allowed for major labor violations. as that them up Category: business-advanced 6. The persistence of violations and consumers' desire for adequate labor conditions has led to the .......... of vigilantes and verifiers (organizations that check that companies are actually following their reforms, such as the Fair Labor Association and Social Accountability International). production profusion proliferation procession Category: business-advanced 7. For any effort by either the vigilantes or the verifiers to be successful, it needs to involve the workers in .......... since they are the ones who confront the conditions on a daily basis. depth Question fact situ Category: business-advanced 8. The standards market has an inherent limitation, since it relies on consumers in developed countries to take action; it therefore limits the number of affected products, and since the worst .......... occur in the informal sector, there is much that corporate codes of conduct will be unable to change. constrictions excuses abuses restrictions Category: business-advanced 9. While voluntary corporate codes of conduct are a start, they are not enough to fully .......... the problem. advance assess ascend address Category: business-advanced 10. National action (and perhaps legislation) can improve the .......... of corporate codes and monitoring, in areas such as transparency, consultations by auditors and monitors with local authority, and consistent enforcement of labor standards. outcomes inroads overviews upgrades Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.