Business buzzwords Worst investments2024-02-14Science and marketing 22024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Business buzzwords Listed for destruction Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. With the approval of the SEC, the DTCC will be taking the first steps of a multi-year initiative to eliminate non-transferable certificates and help lower expenses for holding such certificates in custody; once an issue is listed for destruction, DTC said it would .......... all activity on that issue. cease chill freeze gel Category: business-advanced 2. .......... stripping is a type of predatory lending brought on by the housing boom: as housing prices and property taxes skyrocket, many homeowners are forced into default; the stripper, in one way or another, satisfies the loan and usually takes the title. Property Equity Wallet Mortgage Category: business-advanced 3. The Minister of Finance pays the Royal Canadian Mint to produce and distribute all coins; it costs the Mint about 12 cents to produce and distribute a dollar coin, which generates for the government approximately 88 cents in .......... on each $1 coin sold to financial institutions at face value. seigniorage emoluments remuneration numismatics Category: business-advanced 4. Reminiscent of the 'Asian .......... ' triggered by Thailand in 1997, which became a full-blown financial crisis, other Asian stock indices reacted to the Thai news with sharp falls on Tuesday: the Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensitive Index dropped 2.5% and Indonesia's Jakarta Composite Index lost 2.9%. contagion plague epidemic domino Category: business-advanced 5. Yoshiaki Murakami flouted convention once again by launching a hostile takeover bid against Shoei Co., a little-known electronics and real estate company; this .......... Knight, who heads his own M&A consulting firm, MAC Corp., lambasted Shoei's managers for the company's sluggish stock price. Grey Black Yellow White Category: business-advanced 6. These organizations may award .......... capital for especially promising projects that meet their guidelines: this money can be used for initial investment in a project or startup company, for proof-of-concept, market research or initial product development. egg growth birth seed Category: business-advanced 7. For a company, being ' .......... ' means that it is of high enough quality to have the respect of the financial district; although individuals are the ones who come to eventually own companies, a company must first impress the investment bankers and those on Wall Street to make it to the market. stockable marketable wallable streetable Category: business-advanced 8. A .......... is a situation in which two events or actions have the effect of nullifying each other; in terms of investment, this could be when the gains in a portfolio equal the losses. stalemate wash deadend tie Category: business-advanced 9. .......... companies build and sell or lease commercial real-estate, software, or applications for wide-scale commercial use; they are also referred to as business-to-business (B2B) companies. Biz-con Dev-com Con-biz Com-dev Category: business-advanced 10. Joe invests in XYZ Corp. because the stock is undervalued; it doubles in price in two months, but Joe holds on to the whole investment, hoping it will double again in the next two months, instead of selling a portion to realize a gain — Joe is a .......... investor because he is greedy for huge gains and allows his greed to supersede his original investment strategy. piggish sheepish swinish bullish Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.