Business buzzwords Illegal trading activities2024-02-14Business buzzwords Takeover remedy2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Business buzzwords Investment leverage Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. In the case of Oanda they offer you leverage of 50 times your good .......... money: if you put $1000 into your account, you may buy or sell currencies up to an amount that would require $50,000 cash to actually buy at the time. luck faith buy times Category: business-advanced 2. The upcoming Google IPO contains a two-tier voting structure that gives Class B shareholders (primarily company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin) 10 votes for each share while each Class A share being offered only carries one vote; this provision is shark .........., intended to make it difficult for outsiders to take over Google or influence the company's operations. repellent bait jaws attack Category: business-advanced 3. Altria has long been considered a classic widow-and-.......... stock: great for its stability and big annual dividend, currently about 4.1 percent. widower spinster orphan homeless Category: business-advanced 4. Central Canada Foods Corporation has agreed to lease terms for its Timberlea plant from 1469818 Ontario Inc., a company controlled by George Michaels, Central's president and majority shareholder in .......... party transaction. a related an inside a concerned an interested Category: business-advanced 5. Around Wall Street, the talk is that the U.S. economy is not too hot, not too cool, but just right — the fabled ' .......... ' economy that means corporate profits can continue to grow, while inflation stays tame Goldilocks Heidi Hansel and Gretel Little Red Riding Hood Category: business-advanced 6. The opening up of new markets and the development from the craft shop to such concerns as U.S. Steel illustrate the same process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one; this process of Creative .......... is the essential fact about capitalism. Transformation Destruction Insurgency Permutation Category: business-advanced 7. In financial markets here in London we call it 'The .......... Trade' — a trader who has lost big and has so far managed to cover up the fact puts on a huge trade, enough to cover all his losses, and buys a first class ticket to Brazil, where there is no extradition to the UK, just in case the trade goes wrong. Lambada Terminator Rio Carnival Category: business-advanced 8. Today's online video market is stuffed full of entrants with names like Broadsnatch, Eyeka, and Gkko, but video company CEOs like Tom McInerney of Guba agree that a .......... is coming: "There'll be a lot of casualties in the next year," McInerney predicts. shakeup shakeoff shakeout shakedown Category: business-advanced 9. A huge number of investors think they are buy-and-holders, but in fact they use a peculiar form of market .........., the ICSIA or 'I can't stand it anymore' system; this is probably the most widely used system in the world, and it relies on emotional reactions to market fluctuations. shadowing lagging timing pacing Category: business-advanced 10. A successful price war was the one Philip Morris began on .......... Friday, 2nd April 1993: the company cut the price of the world's best-selling cigarette by almost 20% — and in the process knocked almost $10 billion off the market value of the company. Red Marlboro Nicotine Generic Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.