Business buzzwords Investment leverage2024-02-14Cross-border corruption2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Business buzzwords Chinas mass media Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Driven by increasing investments and consumption, China's mass media industry will grow into .......... industry with high profits and investment potential in future years; within the industry, newspaper, audio and video products and online games are the fields seeing the fastest growth potential, the blue paper said. a phoenix a sunrise a spring an outburst Category: business-advanced 2. At some point, investors will recognize that Wal-Mart stock is poised for a rebound, but what's needed to speed up that process is .........., and sales of generic drugs may give Wal-Mart just the boost it needs. an incitement an incentive a calamity a catalyst Category: business-advanced 3. In his book, 'The Logical Trader', author Mark Fisher discusses techniques for identifying potential market tops and bottoms; one, the ' .......... ', has nothing to do with food, except that it was conceived over lunch where a number of traders were discussing market set-ups. petit four sushi roll hot tamale burger bun Category: business-advanced 4. Microsoft has an interesting, if dubious, .......... accounting scheme where profits from successful quarters aren't reported so that less successful Quarters can be padded; this creates a false growth curve that is smooth and steady, not the typical up and down earnings you'd expect from a company that relies on periodic product rollouts. piggy bank petty cash mattress pad cookie jar Category: business-advanced 5. Perhaps the most famous example of a speculative .......... is the 'tulipmania' that struck 17th century Holland: Dutch collectors devised a hierarchy of values for the various flowers, the tulip became an object of speculation, and people mortgaged their homes and industries in order to buy the bulbs for resale at higher prices. bubble pyramid bandwagon lunacy Category: business-advanced 6. Matlock allegedly made or retained no record of having received individual orders from customers, how many shares each had ordered, or when the orders were placed; .......... the orders allowed Matlock to grant preferential treatment to certain customers, and to himself. banding bundling bunching binding Category: business-advanced 7. Golden .......... are to be offered across the ranks in a desperate bid by defence chiefs to stop the haemorrhaging of British troop numbers; the Ministry of Defence is drawing up plans for a massive expansion of a multi-million-pound programme offering bonuses of up to 5,500 if personnel promise to stay in the forces for at least two years longer. chains leashes bindings handcuffs Category: business-advanced 8. ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) do not sell individual shares directly to investors and only issue their shares in large blocks (blocks of 50,000 shares, for example) that are known as .......... units. action creation sanction traction Category: business-advanced 9. Several Democratic groups have already begun spending large donations on advertising and get-out-the-vote activities, but Republicans had asked the Federal Election Commission to stop the activities under the campaign law that broadly banned big checks known as ' .......... ' from federal elections. soft money easy money funny money lobby money Category: business-advanced 10. Investments that glittered, but turned into .......... gold: the metal industry has been tarnished by several high-profile scandals in recent years that have left City banks owed millions of pounds and politicians red-faced. pyrite solid fool's karat Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.