Business buzzwords Illegal trading activities2024-02-14Business buzzwords Takeover remedy2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Business buzzwords Auditors doubt Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. The auditor will normally reach substantial doubt that an entity can continue as a .......... concern if the entity is unable to meet its obligations as they become due without (1) substantial disposition of assets outside the ordinary course of business, (2) restructuring of debt, or (3) externally forced revisions of its operations or similar actions. functioning standing living going Category: business-advanced 2. Bankers in emerging markets often view treasury activities common in the developed world as .......... finance, so they have lagged behind developed-market competitors in managing risk and creating profitable treasury units; but high-performing treasuries seek out and profit from market risk, and emerging-market banks must commit themselves to a more aggressive posture. daredevil casino Las Vegas Russian Category: business-advanced 3. Each country established working groups to plan migration at national level, under the aegis of the banking and/or payment associations, to ensure that a .......... mass of national credit transfers and card payments migrate to SEPA payment instruments by the end of 2010, as demanded by the regulators and committed to by the European Payments Council. general large reasonable critical Category: business-advanced 4. After the first day Google's stock was publicly traded on the NASDAQ, approximately 1,000 (or almost 50 percent) of its employees were estimated to be .......... millionaires. instant ersatz paper virtual Category: business-advanced 5. On Black Tuesday, Reuben Thorson, 77, retired senior partner of Paine Webber, recalls, "The volume was so heavy that the .......... was late by hours; we had no idea what the prices were." crash sale tape news Category: business-advanced 6. The Nikko Cordial Corporation announced a stock consolidation to its common shareholders in Japan at the rate of one (1) new share to be issued for every two (2) existing ordinary shares held; the .......... of the ordinary shares in the local market will be effective September 1, 2005. assimilation affirmation affiliation assignation Category: business-advanced 7. Bill Nguyen is the subject of a story in The WSJ about how entrepreneurs are cautiously spending venture capital, especially compared to the last crop of Internet entrepreneurs in the 90s; the story includes some of the monthly .......... rates at Silicon Valley companies — about $160,000 a month at Meebo, $200,000 at LaLa and $500,000 at Sharpcast. drop drain burn blow Category: business-advanced 8. Last week, the County announced that they no longer needed to consider Mandatory Time Off as a budget balancing device; some of the ' .......... ' was a reallocation of about $35k previously earmarked for the expensive (and unnecessary) study of raising Coyote Dam. free money found money hidden money hasty money Category: business-advanced 9. When a law firm that handled tons of sensitive legal matters for Valley startups and VC firms then goes belly up, what happens to all that information? — currently .......... Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP notified clients that their digital files would be placed in a 'closed archive' managed by the Library of Congress. despondent debriefed defunct deceased Category: business-advanced 10. Filtronic, the telecoms equipment manufacturer, has got its house in order and is looking forward to the future with confidence: the banks have agreed new five-year facilities and the company's problem .........., a mobile phone antennae business, is to be sold off. source child point zone Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.