Elements of Organizational Behavior 12024-02-14Global Production and the Labour Market2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Business Buzzwords At the Bombay Stock Exchange Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. The Bombay Stock Exchange has shifted certain stocks to the trade-for-trade segment, where you pay Rs 25,000 to take delivery of the shares you bought and the Quantity you have sold will be presented for delivery: the reason for the shift is that the exchange wants to curb .......... trading. circular yo-yo zero sum reciprocal Category: business-advanced 2. The .......... Effect hypothesis states that the economic crisis that affected several South American countries in 1995 was caused by an exogenous capital flight triggered by the loss of confidence of foreign investors after the collapse of the Mexican peso in December 1994. Tequila Lambada Tortilla Zedillo Category: business-advanced 3. The Presidential Election .......... Theory (PECT) of stock prices suggests that stocks decline soon after a president is elected when harsh and unpopular measures are necessary to bring inflation, government spending and deficits under control for the long-term health of the economy. Corollary Cycle Consequence Control Category: business-advanced 4. Make certain you have, or if you are an entrepreneur, make certain your existing syndicate has, dry .......... to see you through hard times; this means putting no more than 25-30% of your total allocation up front, and make certain you have reserves to meet pro rata needs. socks powder vermouth flour Category: business-advanced 5. Deep-Format, who by smell could only be a Microsoft insider, is leaking about Microsoft's botch job on the Ecma spec; this kind of .......... could only be from a disgruntled employee on the Office or XML dev team. plop blob boob poop Category: business-advanced 6. The multitude of mergers and acquisitions has raised issues that need to be considered before the prospect of an acQuisition arises; one is the application of the golden .......... rules of Sec. 280G, regarding severance payments to be made to a corporation's top employees and directors on a change in control. life jacket arches booty parachute Category: business-advanced 7. William McCormick, chairman and chief executive of CMS Energy Corp, said the company's use of ' .......... ' — trades where the same amount of electricity is exchanged at the same price between two players — was apparently aimed at making CMS look more powerful in wholesale power markets than it actually was. cross-wiring shadow-boxing round-tripping double-dealing Category: business-advanced 8. Asset size explains in part why funds become index .......... : DeGroot thinks most funds need no more than 50 stocks to be well diversified, after which they begin behaving increasingly like an index fund. matchers trackers huggers stalkers Category: business-advanced 9. Examples of .......... leaders are the executives of Enron, who stowed away millions of dollars until they were finally caught. leprechaun squirrel stevedore honeybee Category: business-advanced 10. Ten or more years ago .......... was all the rage, spurred by the theories of David Foote; among the many things we were told by its various advocates was that aging baby boomers would invest lots of disposable income in the markets, driving them to dizzy heights. Babybaiting Boomeranging Boomernomics Babyshares Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.