System Development Life Cycle2024-02-14Vehicle Coverage2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 Asset Ownership Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. .......... receipt is issued by an approved depository to a clearing corporation on behalf of an investor evidencing ownership of the underlying call, interest, stock or bond; upon assignment, the depository agrees to deliver the underlying property to the clearing corporation against the aggregate assignment value. A trustee A retainer An escrow A credit Category: business-advanced 2. Because accounts receivable is a use of your company's cash, close attention should be paid to the .......... receivables; when you find that they are greater than your sales terms, the first step in analyzing your problem is to age your accounts receivable by multiples of your terms. charged debts current days Category: business-advanced 3. An income payment' under a guaranteed income bond contract is treated as a full .......... if it is the final benefit under the contract. summation surrender settlement satisfaction Category: business-advanced 4. To maintain their exposure to JGBs, investors should arrange to enter a market .......... open order onto the Tokyo Stock Exchange for its morning session the following business day; as we close positions against the TSE's opening price, using such an order will ensure that there is no loss of price exposure from this procedure. on (none) at to Category: business-advanced 5. .......... credit is defined as the maximum amount of all loans an individual can have outstanding at one time, beyond which a lender is unwilling to provide additional loans. Top High Crest Peak Category: business-advanced 6. The candlestick techniques we use today originated in the style of technical .......... used by the Japanese over 100 years before the West developed the bar and point-and-figure analysis systems; in the 1700s, a Japanese trader in futures discovered that the markets were strongly influenced by the emotions of the traders. psyching tracking charting logging Category: business-advanced 7. The venture division reaches a consensus on whether to pursue the investment further; if the decision is to continue, an investment .......... is written, summarizing the opportunity and the factors leading to the decision, and if a majority of the subcommittee approves the investment, a commitment is made to the partnership. motion proposal prospectus memorandum Category: business-advanced 8. Even if your stock reaches or passes through the .......... price, your order may not execute if there are orders ahead of yours at the same price: the orders in line ahead of you must be filled first and there may not be enough stock available to fill your order when its turn comes. ceiling zone cap limit Category: business-advanced 9. An investor who buys ..........-backed securities provides loans to the homebuyer (or business) as a consequence. debt asset lender mortgage Category: business-advanced 10. Non-resident .......... are subject to U.S. tax on U.S. sourced income only and are able to claim benefits of tax treaties. citizens immigrants aliens foreigners Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.