Angol hallott szövegértési szintfelmérő teszt
Full listening quiz at B2+ level
Angol hallott szövegértési szintfelmérő teszt
Full listening quiz at B2+ level

Angol olvasott szövegértési szintfelmérő teszt

Section 1 - Questions 1-14
Read the information and answer Questions 1-3 below.


If you are a student living on your own, a rice cooker is one of the most practical and convenient kitchen appliances you can buy. It is relatively inexpensive and produces perfect rice every time, ready when you are. You can steam your vegetables while the rice is cooking. Healthy eating has never been easier. There are many different types of rice cookers available. Here are some of the features to look for when purchasing yours.

Desirable Features

  • Glass lid — so you can see what's happening inside
  • Hole in the lid — for steam to escape (otherwise it comes out at the edges of the lid and is messier)
  • Steamer tray — for steaming vegetables and other foods (though you can make do with a fold-up one from the grocery store)
  • Removable cord — for easy storage
  • Non-stick pan — very important
  • Measuring lines — on the inside of the rice cooker so you can add water without using a measuring cup. You still need a cup to measure the rice, however.

Questions 1-3
Match each rice cooker feature with the accurate description from the list (A-G).

EXAMPLE Answer: Steamer tray  - B to hold vegetables for cooking

List of Descriptions :

A to show how much rice to add
B to hold vegetables for cooking
C to make storage more convenient
D to make cleaning easier
E to help to release pressure
F to look inside without opening lid
G to show the amount of water required

[1] Non-stick interior surface
[2] Detachable power lead and plug
[3] Indicators for measuring




Read the reviews and answer Questions 4-8.



Rice Cooker A
10-cup, 700 watts, $25.99. This one takes up a lot of room because it has 2 big steamer racks. It is great when you want to cook your whole meal in the rice cooker. It has a glass lid with a hole and an attached cord but doesn't show measuring lines.
Rice Cooker B
10-cup, 700 watts, $39.99. This is a fancy-looking, chrome appliance with a flimsy metal lid. There is a steam hole but no measuring lines. It has a good, stainless steel, steamer tray, which sits at the top of the pan and nests inside for storage. It has a removable cord.
Rice Cooker C
7-cup, 500 watts, $29.99. This is the smallest one. It has a glass lid with a hole and is a good size for a small family. The only objection is that it doesn't come with a steamer tray. It has a sturdy, removable cord.
Rice Cooker D
8-cup, 600 watts, $29.99. This one has a glass lid but no steam hole. It has a sturdy steamer tray which sits on the bottom of the rice cooker pan — less practical than the ones that sit in the top of the cooker. It has a removable cord.

Questions 4-8
Match the rice cooker (A-D) with each description below.

EXAMPLE Answer  -  Doesn't have a steamer  - Rice Cooker C


[4] Has a glass cover without a vent in the middle

[5] Has a cord that is fixed to the cooker

[6] Doesn’t have a glass top

[7] Has a steamer located beneath the rice cooker

[8] Has the most space for steaming vegetables

Read the text below and answer Questions 9-14.

There are a number of appliances that "know" when they should turn off. A rice cooker is one of them. The water-heating portion of a drip coffee maker (as opposed to the burner under the pot) is another. Automatic egg boilers work in the same way. All of these appliances use the same principle. If there is water in a heated container and the water is boiling, the container will maintain a constant temperature.
At sea level, the boiling temperature for water is 212 degrees F or 100 degrees C. As soon as all of the liquid water has evaporated (or, in the case of the rice cooker, as soon as all of the water is absorbed by the rice), the temperature inside the container immediately rises. There is a thermostat in the appliance. When the thermostat detects that the temperature in the container has risen above 212 degrees F, it turns itself off.

Questions 9-13
Re-order the following (A-F) to show the sequence of events according to the passage. The first event in the sequence has been done for you as an example. Write ONLY ONE letter in each gap.


A All water evaporates from the cooker.
B Temperature increases beyond the boiling point.
C Temperature in cooker remains constant.
D Thermostat shuts off heat.
E Rice and water added to cooker.  EXAMPLE
F Temperature in cooker rises to boiling point.

Question 14
[14] Name one appliance that works in a similar way to the rice cooker.

Section 2 - Questions 15-28
Read the text below and answer Questions 15-21

Best job in the world
Island Caretaker

About the job

The role of Island Caretaker is a six-month contract based on the exotic Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia. It’s a live-in position with flexible working hours. Key responsibilities include exploring the islands to discover what the area has to offer. You’ll be required to report back on your adventures to headquarters and the rest of the world via weekly blogs, photo diaries, video updates and ongoing media interviews. On offer is a unique opportunity to help promote the wondrous Whitsunday Islands.
Other duties may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Feed the fish - there are over 1500 species of fish living in the area-don’t worry you won’t need to feed them all.
  • Clean the pool-the pool has an automatic filter but if you happen to see a stray leaf floating on the surface it’s a great excuse to dive in and enjoy a few laps.
  • Collect the mail-during your explorations why not join the aerial postal service for a day? It’s a great opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of the reef and islands.

About the job package
Living on the Island is a unique benefit in itself but the successful candidate will also be paid a salary package of $150,000 for the six-month contract. You’ll receive return airfares from your nearest capital city, accommodation and transport to the Island, travel insurance for the contract period, computer, internet, digital video and still camera access.

About the location
In between travelling to various islands of the Great Barrier Reef, the Island Caretaker will live in a beautiful, three-bedroom home featuring stunning views, modern facilities and exquisite furnishings. The bright, airy interior features three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fully-equipped kitchen, a state-of-the-art entertainment system, ceiling fans, air-conditioning and laundry facilities. The Island Caretaker will enjoy outdoor areas including a private plunge pool/spa with exceptional views, sun lounges, large balconies and the traditional, Australian barbeque. A golf buggy is also included with the house, so you can explore the island with ease.

Complete each sentence. Write in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the text.

Hours of work for the advertised position are [15] rather than being fixed.
Communication channels for reporting your activities to [16] will include a photo diary, interviews, blogs and video updates.
There is an [17] for mail delivery, offering the chance to enjoy great views of the islands.
You can earn a salary of $150,000 if you complete [18]
When not out visiting other islands, the successful applicant will be accommodated in [19]
The bedrooms are roomy and the modern kitchen is [20]
Although there isn’t a car provided, [21] is included to enable you to look around the island easily.

Read the text below and answer Questions 22-28

Have you got what it takes to WIN the ‘best job in the world’?

Education/experience requirements
A broad range of experience will be considered, but the successful applicant should possess:

  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills
  • Good written and verbal English skills
  • An adventurous spirit
  • Willingness to try new things
  • A passion for the outdoors
  • Good swimming skills and enthusiasm for snorkelling and or diving
  • ability to engage with others
  • at least one year’s relevant experience

How to apply?
Want the best job in the world? If you enjoy new experiences and you can spare six months to enjoy life on a coral reef you’re already in with a good chance. It’s easy to apply.

Step 1
Create a video application (in English and in 60 seconds or less) telling us why you’re the best person for the job and demonstrating your knowledge of the area.

Step 2
Fill out the application form.

About the application process

The top 50 short-listed applicants will be required to submit additional information to support their application, including:

  • Photo of themselves
  • 300–500 words
  • What is your story? (Tell us a little about your background, previous employment, family, where you live.)
  • What is most important to you in life?
  • If successful in gaining "The Best Job in the World" with Tourism Queensland, who will be joining you on your journey to the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef (partner and/or children)?
  • Tell us about them (partner and/or children).
  • Anything else you would like to share about yourself.

The interview selection process will involve participation in a formal interview and various activities. Activities may include team challenges, physical, skill-based and aptitude tests. All short-listed applicants must be willing to participate in these activities. Eleven candidates will be invited to the Island for an interview. So you’ll need to be available to travel independently to Queensland for the final interview process. You’ll also need to be available to start work immediately.

Questions 22-28

Do the following statements agree with what is written in the text? Choose:
YES                  if the statement agrees with what is in the text
NO                    if the answer contradicts what is in the text
NOT GIVEN  if it is impossible to say from what is in the text

[22] The successful candidate needs good social skills.


[23] A 300–500 word essay is required from all candidates.


[24] The successful candidate must take a scuba diving course.


[25] Only the top fifty on the shortlist have to submit a one-minute video as part of their application.

[26] All of the fifty, short-listed candidates are to be invited to the Island for an interview.

[27] The selection process involves more than just an interview.

[28] The starting date of the contract is flexible.

(Section 3 ) Questions 29-40

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

In Thailand, elephants are revered as a national symbol, but even there, the survival of the great mammals is at risk. A century ago more than 100,000 elephants worked in the Thai timber industry or roamed the forests. Today the number of elephants in captivity is just 2,500 and there are even fewer in the wild. Illegal hunting has taken a toll. Deforestation and the banning of logging have removed the elephants' chief source of employment.

B  Recently, on the site of a former government logging camp, the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre has been established. It is home to more than one hundred elephants retrenched from the logging industry. An American elephant specialist and his team have come up with an ingenious career alternative for these redundant employees. A select group of the Centre's residents have been chosen to play in the world's first Elephant Orchestra. The project was initiated to create unique music but more importantly, to generate income for the operation of the Elephant Conservation Centre.

C  The orchestra currently has twelve members, selected for their musical aptitude and motivation. They are aged seven to eighteen and play a variety of percussion and wind instruments in the Thai tradition — renats, which look like xylophones, slit drums, harmonicas, a bow bass, a gong and a thundersheet. The instruments are 'elephant-sized' and specially designed to be played with trunks. Early in the project the organisers were unsure how the elephants would respond to musical training. Then one morning they were awakened to the sound of harmonicas. The elephants had picked up the instruments on their own and were wandering through the forest playing enthusiastically.

D  Making music comes naturally to elephants. They have huge brains and are highly sociable creatures. Their hearing is much better than their sight and they use a wide range of vocalisations. In performance, they stand in a line and prompted by the trainers, play their instruments. A strong sense of rhythm is evident as they flap their ears to the beat, swish their tails and generally rock back and forth. Some add to the melody with their own trumpeting. As the conductor paces up and down orchestrating proceedings, a trunk can sometimes be seen imitating the movement of his arm.

E  The elephants aren't forced to learn complex patterns, so playing the instruments is quite easy. Commands are given only to indicate when to start and when to stop. The rest of the time, the players have the freedom to improvise. According to the trainers, the elephants love their work. The modest plan, initially, was to teach the elephants just to hit the instruments and then overdub those sounds with other music. But after only five practice sessions a decision was made to record the performances intact with just the human noises removed. The players improvise distinct meters and melodies, then vary and repeat them. The resulting music is meditative, deliberate and delicate and it is real, elephant music. Western listeners often describe it as 'haunting'. To some ears it may seem monotonous but anyone not knowing they were listening to elephant music would assume that humans were playing. The first CD, classical in style, has sold well, so soon there will be pop, techno- and country versions in production.

F  Playing music is not the only creative form of activity the elephants of the Centre engage in. For several years now a number of the residents have been painting. They use acrylic paints on large canvases and have a preference for broad strokes and bold colours. Last year, elephant paintings helped raise over $25,000 at charity auctions internationally. These art sales, together with profits from the CD, are helping to fund the Centre's operations. The proceeds go towards an orphanage, hospital and mobile veterinary clinic for elephants and to support the training school.

G  Animal rights' advocates might object to these non-traditional occupations for elephants. But Thai elephants have always had to work for a living. If they weren't playing music or painting pictures, they would be dragging logs or carrying tourists. Given those choices, playing music and painting are not such bad options.

Questions 29-34

The passage 'The Elephant Orchestra' has paragraphs labelled (A-G). In which paragraph can the following information be found? Choose the appropriate paragraph for each answer. Note: You may use each letter more than once.

EXAMPLE Answer  -  Fund raising initiatives of the Centre  - PARAGRAPH F

[29] Description of the type of music produced by the elephants

[30] Details of how the income generated is used

[31] Description of the musical instruments

[32] Forthcoming projects for the orchestra

[33] Situation of elephants in Thailand

[34] How the orchestra got started

Questions 35 - 39

Complete the summary. Choose your answers from the list below. Note: There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all. You may use any word more than once.

List of Words:

painting, music, occupation, production, recordings, projected, initiatives, proceeds, generate, training

In order to raise funds for the Thai Elephant Centre a number of creative [35] have been developed, including the first Elephant Orchestra. The elephants play a variety of instruments and their [36] are being sold to [37] income. These intelligent animals also produce paintings, which have been sold at international auctions. The [38] support an orphanage, hospital and [39] facility.

Question 40
Choose the correct option.

[40] What is the main idea of this passage?

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