Business Buzzwords High Valuation2024-02-14Portfolio Statistics2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 A Tourism Partnership Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. South West Wales Tourism Partnership is the Regional Tourism Partnership serving South West Wales; the Welsh Assembly Government initiated the formation of 4 RTPs across Wales to receive .......... resources and responsibilities for tourism marketing and development. involved revolved evolved devolved Category: business-advanced 2. Four Regional Tourism Partnerships (RTPs) were established in Wales in 2001, .......... with the four regional economic fora areas. cooperant contingent coterminous coexistent Category: business-advanced 3. The partners in SWWTP are all the local authorities and a broad spread of tourism, hospitality and leisure industry representatives from across the Region; SWWTP acts as the lead .......... supporting tourism in South West Wales. body backbone buttress bulwark Category: business-advanced 4. Key elements within the Partnership's aims include the need to maximise potential and eliminate wasteful competition for the benefit of the consumer and the trade and to encourage integration of public and private sector resources by .......... a distinct regional bias in decision-making. nurturing nursing coercing coddling Category: business-advanced 5. The SWWTP drives forward the SWW Regional Tourism Strategy, 'Open All Year', which is now in .......... line site being place Category: business-advanced 6. SWWTP is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee; every 3 years elections .......... to all with an interest in tourism will be held across the region to choose one-third of the industry representatives. open granted voted given Category: business-advanced 7. The SWWTP works within strict .......... cost limits, and so its core staff is limited to 3.5 (Director, Project Manager, Office Manager, and part-time Administrative Officer). running streaming engaging conducting Category: business-advanced 8. The SWWTP will act as an enabling and .......... body, working through others to deliver its objectives. commissioning concessional supplantive subordinating Category: business-advanced 9. Targets are set for individual projects from training to marketing, based on leverage for both investment and return on expenditure .......... ; conversion and tracking studies are built into the activity. incurred inferred ensured endured Category: business-advanced 10. SWWTP took a decision to minimise expenditure on corporate public relations and instead works with its partners to .......... news and opportunities. disseminate disburse dispense disintegrate Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.