Producing the Goods2024-02-14Market History2024-02-14 Published by Kovács Áron on 2024-02-14 Categories Egyéb Tags Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 A Brief History of DSS Advanced Business English practice 10 multiple-choice questions If you log in, you will get the results via email. Category: business-advanced 1. Information Systems researchers and technologists have built and investigated Decision Support Systems (DSS) for approximately 40 years; D.J. Power's paper .......... and explores the developments in DSS from the model-driven DSS in the late 1960s to the implementation of Web-based DSS in the mid-1990s. annals monologues chronicles elaborates Category: business-advanced 2. Different people perceive the field of Decision Support Systems from various .......... points and report different accounts of what happened and what was important (cf., Arnott & Pervan, 2005; Eom & Lee, 1990b; McCosh & Correa-Perez, 2006; Power, 2003; Power, 2004a; Silver, 1991). access interest vantage perspective Category: business-advanced 3. In .......... a major historical turning point was Michael S. Scott Morton's (1967) dissertation field research at Harvard University; Morton's study involved building, implementing and then testing an interactive, model-driven management decision system. recollection hindsight retrospect afterthought Category: business-advanced 4. Fellow Harvard Ph.D. student Andrew McCosh asserts that the concept of decision support systems was first .......... by Scott Morton in February 1964 in a basement office in Sherman Hall, Harvard Business School in a discussion they had about Morton's dissertation. articulated accentuated ascribed admitted Category: business-advanced 5. The pioneering work of Dantzig, Engelbart and Forrester influenced the feasibility of building computerized decision support systems; in the 1960s, they developed the first hypermedia-groupware system called NLS, which provided for on-screen video teleconferencing and was a .......... to group decision support systems. foreboding forerunner forefather forecasting Category: business-advanced 6. In 1960, J.C.R. Licklider published his ideas about the future role of multiaccess interactive computing in a paper titled 'Man- Computer .......... '; he saw close man-computer interaction as enhancing both the Quality and efficiency of human problem-solving, and his paper provided a guide for computer research to follow. Synonymy Symbiosis Synthesis Syncretism Category: business-advanced 7. In 1974, Gordon Davis published his .......... text on Management Information Systems; he defined a Management Information System as 'an integrated, man/machine system for providing information to support the operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization'. deferential differential referential influential Category: business-advanced 8. In 1979, John Rockart of the Harvard Business School published a ground-.......... article that led to the development of executive information systems (EISs) or executive support systems (ESS); Rockart developed the concept of using information systems to display critical success metrics for managers. breaking planting seeding laying Category: business-advanced 9. Donovan and Madnick (1977) classified DSS as either institutional or .......... : the former supports decisions that are recurring, while the latter supports querying data for one time requests. pro bono quid nunc ad hoc in vivo Category: business-advanced 10. Finally, Sprague and Carlson's (1982) book 'Building Effective Decision Support Systems' was an important .......... : it further explained the DSS framework of data base, model base and dialog generation and management software, and provided a practical overview of how organizations should build DSS. milestone landmark headstone benchmark Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Share0 Kovács Áron Comments are closed.